This afternoon I had a little bit of luxury, well at least it felt like a little bit of luxury. It feels as though I've been at my desk for an eternity. The last fortnight I've had only fleeting visits to the allotment to check on a few things and harvest. This afternoon though, I was able to take out a couple of hours and set to on preparing beds for the sowing of broad beans and also of our garlic. The garlic is going in where our tomatoes were on the top plot, and even though I took the blight-ridden plants out a few weeks back there was plenty of weeding and rescuing of flowers to do. I potted up some cheery Calendula, some absolutely gorgeous self-seeded Violas and a fabulous Feverfew which was dancing in the wind. Hopefully these will all over winter and be able to be used either in pots or in beds in the spring. So, the long bed for the Messidrome garlic is ready (below). There's still a flower left in the far end though I'm sure it only has as a few days of glory left in it. The bed I've sorted for our broad beans (above) still has a nasturtium in situ. I'm leaving it here for a few more days as Vivi has been making Poor Man's Capers from these seeds so I need to check on her video and try and make those before I pull the plant out, which is destined for the compost heap. In the other end of the bed is a small Morning Glory which has been trailing along the ground as it had nothing to climb. It will definitely be bitten by frosts and come out though I'm leaving it for the bees for the moment. One of the jobs that I also sorted this afternoon was the weeding of the autumn harvesting broad bean plants, the Luz De Otono. As I was weeding, two big fat bumble bees came down and nestled into the unctuous flowers. They seemed happy with their lot as they buzzed from flower to flower. I've already noticed that some broad bean pods are forming so maybe we will get more beans in November. Time will tell. So, though some may not see these two hours I've had as a luxury, the hours certainly were for me. I came away feeling uplifted and refreshed, and with three types of carrots and some Portuguese Cabbage in my hands. Along with the Desiree potatoes we were given a few weeks back and some Linda McCartney burgers, that is this evening's meal sorted. I write this whilst taking a few minutes rest before making supper, and unusually I'm having a nice glass of red wine. Another little bit of luxury. A Guernsey Gardener in London, Day 6
Anna Kozlowski
15/10/2019 07:39:39 pm
It is so satisfying seeing life continue in the garden and even getting ready for slumber it's dying down to be reborn in spring..Luxury indeed even for a minute we savor it..Thanks for sharing your few minutes.🍷🍛🌻
Paul Savident
16/10/2019 12:50:00 pm
Anna - it was just a joy, and one I hope to repeat this afternoon! 🤞
15/10/2019 08:45:51 pm
Great blog Paul. You know ever since you started these Ive been wondering what the AGGBIL was in your headings. Then today it dawned on me after reading this for the 3rd time. What a numpty i am :)
Paul Savident
16/10/2019 12:51:50 pm
I love that Tony, new discoveries even when they are in front of us!! I think I may add a bit at the bottom of each blog though saying A Guernsey Garden in London Blog. One other has asked me directly so you are not alone, and he is a fireman too! 😊
Wendy Richardson
16/10/2019 12:14:00 am
What a beautiful day you've had! You are lucky to have such a wonderful life full of fresh food and abundant love! There's nothing like time outdoors in the fresh air! Yay you! :)
Paul Savident
16/10/2019 12:55:06 pm
Wendy, we are fortunate, though I do believe that this is down to the choices we have made through life, AND the luck we have had. Certainly there have been many grey times, though the sun normally shines at the end of the day. Trying to simplify things has obviously helped, and choosing to step to a slower treadmill of life, rather than me always searching for the next client. 🤞
Stephen Brammall
16/10/2019 12:49:09 am
Sometimes in life the simplest of things can feel the most luxurious...Another marvellous and interesting episode of your blog Paul..
Paul Savident
16/10/2019 12:56:03 pm
Thank you Stephen, and your time in reading and commenting is genuinely much appreciated. Here's to simple luxuries!
16/10/2019 08:21:00 am
Well that relaxed me Paul, what a little uplifting blog that was. You’ve spurred me on to plant my union sets. As I only have two tiny raised beds, one of which after tomato removal, has been put to bed, won’t take me long. But to keep me in the much needed fresh air I have a summer hanging basket to refresh with heathers and cyclamen and a layer of spring bulbs. Thank you
Paul Savident
16/10/2019 12:58:14 pm
Tracey, I am so glad I was able to spur, and good luck with those onions! Loving the thought of you changing the seasons of your hanging basket. We never seem to get round to doing similar, though maybe we just need to make time! Enjoy your basket refreshment and seeing it blowing in the breeze. 😊
Oh it really is a luxury, I quite agree. To be able to take these moments and relish in them, to enjoy the quiet whilst nature buzzes around you, to feel and smell the become utterly lost in the moment....yes, this is true luxury and not something one can buy in even the fanciest of shops. Beautiful.
Paul Savident
16/10/2019 01:01:03 pm
Kindred spirits... Finding luxuries in the everyday machinations of life is genuinely worthwhile!
Sue Wansborough
17/10/2019 04:26:21 pm
just lovely to read your new blog, we just planted our garlic the other day, was looking around for some elephant garlic but non of our garden center's stock them, will have to send for some.
Paul Savident
4/12/2019 10:27:57 am
Sue, apologies for the delay in getting back to you!! I had missed your comment somehow... 🤔 I am going to check on the broad beans and garlic today to see if they have emerged as yet - they had not the other day when we did the rather late tour for November!. Are yours up yet? Did you get the Elephant Garlic you were looking for? 😊
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